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R. Pauls plays G. Kancheli

Latvia : MMC, 2014. 1 kompaktdisks.
Pieejami 1 no 1 eksemplāriem
NOSAUKUMSR. Pauls plays G. Kancheli skaņu ieraksts music by G. Kancheli ; performed by: R. Pauls, Maris Briezkalns, Andris Grunte ; prod. by Maris Briezkalns ; aranged by R. Pauls ; rec. and mast. by Pavel Malyshkin ; sound eng. Augustins Delle
APJOMS1 kompaktdisks
SATURSContents: Mimino ; King Lear ; Le Cinema ; An Unusual Exhibition ; Waiting for Godot ; Mother Kurane ; Twelfth Night ; Pleasant ; A Sunny Night ; Earth, This is Your Son ; Bright Sorrow ; Don Quixote ; The Caucasian Chalk Circle ; When Almonds Blossomed ; Dint't Grieve ; Mimino theme ; The Role for a Debutante ; As You Like it ; Hamlet ; Bear's Kiss ; Richard III
PIEZĪMESRecorded at Latvian Radio 1st Studio
CITI AUTORIPauls, Raimonds 1936- itr arr Instrumentālists Aranžētājs
Kancheli, Giya 1935-2019 cmp Komponists
Briežkalns, Māris 1956- itr pro Instrumentālists Producents
Malyshkin, Pavel rce Ierakstu inženieris
Delle, Augustīns 1947- sds Skaņu režisors
Grunte, Andris itr Instrumentālists
UDK INDEKSS786 (474.3)
Pa 853
 R. Pauls plays G. Kancheli [skaņu ieraksts] / music by G. Kancheli ; performed by: R. Pauls, Maris Briezkalns, Andris Grunte ; prod. by Maris Briezkalns ; aranged by R. Pauls ; rec. and mast. by Pavel Malyshkin ; sound eng. Augustins Delle. - Latvia : MMC, 2014. - 1 kompaktdisks. - Recorded at Latvian Radio 1st Studio.
        Contents: Mimino ; King Lear ; Le Cinema ; An Unusual Exhibition ; Waiting for Godot ; Mother Kurane ; Twelfth Night ; Pleasant ; A Sunny Night ; Earth, This is Your Son ; Bright Sorrow ; Don Quixote ; The Caucasian Chalk Circle ; When Almonds Blossomed ; Dint't Grieve ; Mimino theme ; The Role for a Debutante ; As You Like it ; Hamlet ; Bear's Kiss ; Richard III.
        Klaviermūzika. Kinomūzika.
Leader00779njm a2200253 i 4500
007c a
008140410s2014 lv s 00000 eng
02800a: MMC CD 012
040 a: RCB
041 a: eng
080 a: 786 x: (474.3)
2451 a: R. Pauls plays G. Kancheli h: skaņu ieraksts c: music by G. Kancheli ; performed by: R. Pauls, Maris Briezkalns, Andris Grunte ; prod. by Maris Briezkalns ; aranged by R. Pauls ; rec. and mast. by Pavel Malyshkin ; sound eng. Augustins Delle
260 a: Latvia b: MMC c: 2014
300 a: 1 kompaktdisks
500##a: Recorded at Latvian Radio 1st Studio
5050#a: Contents: Mimino ; King Lear ; Le Cinema ; An Unusual Exhibition ; Waiting for Godot ; Mother Kurane ; Twelfth Night ; Pleasant ; A Sunny Night ; Earth, This is Your Son ; Bright Sorrow ; Don Quixote ; The Caucasian Chalk Circle ; When Almonds Blossomed ; Dint't Grieve ; Mimino theme ; The Role for a Debutante ; As You Like it ; Hamlet ; Bear's Kiss ; Richard III
650#4a: Klaviermūzika
650#4a: Kinomūzika
7001 a: Pauls, Raimonds d: 1936- 4: itr 4: arr e: Instrumentālists e: Aranžētājs
7001 a: Kancheli, Giya d: 1935-2019 4: cmp e: Komponists
7001 a: Briežkalns, Māris d: 1956- 4: itr 4: pro e: Instrumentālists e: Producents
7001 a: Malyshkin, Pavel 4: rce e: Ierakstu inženieris
7001 a: Delle, Augustīns d: 1947- 4: sds e: Skaņu režisors
7001 a: Grunte, Andris 4: itr e: Instrumentālists
7400#a: CD.- R.Pauls plays G.Kancheli
7400#a: kompaktdisks.- R.Pauls plays G.Kancheli
7400#a: skaņu ieraksts.- R.Pauls plays G.Kancheli
990##a: 786(474.3)
991##a: Pa 853
Pieejami 1 no 1 eksemplāriem

NOSAUKUMSR. Pauls plays G. Kancheli skaņu ieraksts music by G. Kancheli ; performed by: R. Pauls, Maris Briezkalns, Andris Grunte ; prod. by Maris Briezkalns ; aranged by R. Pauls ; rec. and mast. by Pavel Malyshkin ; sound eng. Augustins Delle
APJOMS1 kompaktdisks
SATURSContents: Mimino ; King Lear ; Le Cinema ; An Unusual Exhibition ; Waiting for Godot ; Mother Kurane ; Twelfth Night ; Pleasant ; A Sunny Night ; Earth, This is Your Son ; Bright Sorrow ; Don Quixote ; The Caucasian Chalk Circle ; When Almonds Blossomed ; Dint't Grieve ; Mimino theme ; The Role for a Debutante ; As You Like it ; Hamlet ; Bear's Kiss ; Richard III
PIEZĪMESRecorded at Latvian Radio 1st Studio
CITI AUTORIPauls, Raimonds 1936- itr arr Instrumentālists Aranžētājs
Kancheli, Giya 1935-2019 cmp Komponists
Briežkalns, Māris 1956- itr pro Instrumentālists Producents
Malyshkin, Pavel rce Ierakstu inženieris
Delle, Augustīns 1947- sds Skaņu režisors
Grunte, Andris itr Instrumentālists
UDK INDEKSS786 (474.3)
Pa 853

 R. Pauls plays G. Kancheli [skaņu ieraksts] / music by G. Kancheli ; performed by: R. Pauls, Maris Briezkalns, Andris Grunte ; prod. by Maris Briezkalns ; aranged by R. Pauls ; rec. and mast. by Pavel Malyshkin ; sound eng. Augustins Delle. - Latvia : MMC, 2014. - 1 kompaktdisks. - Recorded at Latvian Radio 1st Studio.
        Contents: Mimino ; King Lear ; Le Cinema ; An Unusual Exhibition ; Waiting for Godot ; Mother Kurane ; Twelfth Night ; Pleasant ; A Sunny Night ; Earth, This is Your Son ; Bright Sorrow ; Don Quixote ; The Caucasian Chalk Circle ; When Almonds Blossomed ; Dint't Grieve ; Mimino theme ; The Role for a Debutante ; As You Like it ; Hamlet ; Bear's Kiss ; Richard III.
        Klaviermūzika. Kinomūzika.

Leader00779njm a2200253 i 4500
007c a
008140410s2014 lv s 00000 eng
02800a: MMC CD 012
040 a: RCB
041 a: eng
080 a: 786 x: (474.3)
2451 a: R. Pauls plays G. Kancheli h: skaņu ieraksts c: music by G. Kancheli ; performed by: R. Pauls, Maris Briezkalns, Andris Grunte ; prod. by Maris Briezkalns ; aranged by R. Pauls ; rec. and mast. by Pavel Malyshkin ; sound eng. Augustins Delle
260 a: Latvia b: MMC c: 2014
300 a: 1 kompaktdisks
500##a: Recorded at Latvian Radio 1st Studio
5050#a: Contents: Mimino ; King Lear ; Le Cinema ; An Unusual Exhibition ; Waiting for Godot ; Mother Kurane ; Twelfth Night ; Pleasant ; A Sunny Night ; Earth, This is Your Son ; Bright Sorrow ; Don Quixote ; The Caucasian Chalk Circle ; When Almonds Blossomed ; Dint't Grieve ; Mimino theme ; The Role for a Debutante ; As You Like it ; Hamlet ; Bear's Kiss ; Richard III
650#4a: Klaviermūzika
650#4a: Kinomūzika
7001 a: Pauls, Raimonds d: 1936- 4: itr 4: arr e: Instrumentālists e: Aranžētājs
7001 a: Kancheli, Giya d: 1935-2019 4: cmp e: Komponists
7001 a: Briežkalns, Māris d: 1956- 4: itr 4: pro e: Instrumentālists e: Producents
7001 a: Malyshkin, Pavel 4: rce e: Ierakstu inženieris
7001 a: Delle, Augustīns d: 1947- 4: sds e: Skaņu režisors
7001 a: Grunte, Andris 4: itr e: Instrumentālists
7400#a: CD.- R.Pauls plays G.Kancheli
7400#a: kompaktdisks.- R.Pauls plays G.Kancheli
7400#a: skaņu ieraksts.- R.Pauls plays G.Kancheli
990##a: 786(474.3)
991##a: Pa 853

Izsniegumu skaits: 176
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